Disciples of Rage [RAGE] looking for ACTIVE players!
Disciples of Rage [RAGE] is looking for active, mature, loyal and 16+ yrs old. MUST BE A TEAM PLAYER! We are very friendly, like to help each other... and most important we just like to have fun! We accept players of all levels!
We currently have about 30 members. We are a small, tight knit group of players looking for others to join our family. We are looking for ACTIVE people!! Our leader and officers are on every day.
Members online permitting we hold contests, games and giveaways as well as form elite capping parties. We take advantage of any special events as a guild as well.
We are not interested in those individuals that are only looking to join to receive free items (we have a waiting period for new members), become an officer (all officers are elected by our guild) and/or self promotion. We work as a team and consider each other friends outside of the game.
Here is the list of what we offer our members....
American Server - PvE – Alliance Battles – Farming – Chest Running – City Running – Full Hall – Forums – TeamSpeak Server – Contests – Giveaways – Luxon Guild
If you like an invite or a guest invite please either PM me here on the forums... or my ign is Mobb Hitman. The other officers ingame names are: Gen Dragon, Omy Head, The Devils Daughter & Mz Nomer.